Curriculum Vitae
LL.L, M.Urb., M.B.A.
1980 to 1982 :
HEC Montréal,
Université de Montréal
M.B.A. (finance)
1978 to 1980 :
Institut d'Urbanisme, Faculté de l'Aménagement,
Université de Montréal
M.Urb. (urban planning)
1977 :
Admitted to the Quebec Bar
1976 to 1977 :
École du Barreau (professional training school run by the Quebec Bar)
1973 to 1976 :
Faculté de Droit, Université de Montréal
LL.L. with distinction (licentiate in laws)
1971 to 1973 :
CEGEP de Joliette
(social science and mathematics)
College diploma (DEC)
1966 to 1971 :
Séminaire de Joliette,
Secondary school diploma (DES)
2012 :
Governor for Life, Quebec Bar Foundation
2012 :
Recipient, Lawyer Emeritus distinction (Advocatus Emeritus), awarded by the Quebec Bar
1981 & 1982 :
Recipient of funding from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and from Fonds FCAR (Fonds pour la formation des chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche) in order to complete an MBA in real estate financing
1978 & 1979 :
Recipient of funding from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to complete a master's degree in urban planning, focused on developing urban and regional policies; further funding received from ACFAS (Association canadienne française pour l’avancement des sciences) and from Quebec's department of education
1975 & 1976 :
Recipient of funding from Canada's Department of Justice for summer studies in common law, at the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg (1975), and at University of Ottawa (1976)
1972 :
Co-president, student's association, CEGEP de Joliette
1970 :
President, student's association, Séminaire de Joliette
Since 1982 :
Practicing attorney in Berthierville, Quebec, principally in administrative and environmental law, planning law and the protection of agricultural land resources
1982 :
Commercial attaché, Canadian Embassy, Algiers, as part of an HEC Montréal post-MBA training program
1979 à 1980 :
Legal counsel, Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec (protecting agricultural land resources)
1977 :
Articling law student, legal department, National Bank of Canada
1974-1975 :
Researcher, legal section, Chambre de Commerce du Québec (research projects and fact-finding on new legislative bills); also in charge of organizing luncheon meetings
1982 to 2015 :
Lecturer on administrative law as it pertains to property, at the Faculté de Droit, Université de Montréal, in its post-graduate program leading to a diploma of notarial law
- Secretary-treasurer, Commune de Berthier, one of Canada's oldest agricultural corporations (founded in 1683)
- Founding president, SABA (Société d'Aménagement de Berthier d'Autray): creation of a recreational harbour in Berthierville
- Founding president, Corporation de Développement Économique de Berthier (an economic development corporation in Berthier, now known as the Centre local de développement de la MRC de d'Autray): transformation of a local Melcher's Distillery site into an industrial park for small or medium-sized businesses
- Founding secretary, SCIRBI (Société de Conservation, d'Interprétation et de Recherche de Berthier et ses Iles), a local conservation society; later its administrator: creation of a 2000-acre park and a pedestrian trail several kilometers long on an island in the St. Lawrence River
- Founding administrator, Société pour la conservation de la Tourbière de Lanoraie (an organization promoting bog conservation)
- Forestry producer in the Lanaudière region
- I have argued cases at all levels of judicial proceedings in Quebec.
- My legal writings have been cited by the Supreme Court of Canada.
- Barreau du Québec (the Quebec Bar): member since 1977
- Canadian Bar Association: member since 1977
- Barreau des Laurentides-Lanaudière: member since 1984
- Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois (writers' union in Quebec): member since 1980
- Canadian Association of Law Teachers: member since 1983
- Association des avocats et avocates de province (Quebec): member since 1984
- International Union of Lawyers (active in fields such a administrative law, environmental law, rural law, civil law and human rights): member since 1995
- Current member of organizations working to protect the environment or to promote respect for human rights